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Chairman's Message

Education is said to be the transmission of knowledge, culture and civilization.

Principal's Message

It gives me immense pleasure to greet and welcome you all on behalf of the entire ADIT family.

Dr. Gopi Bhatt
Coordinator - Computer Science and Design
Associate Professor
B.E.(C.E.), M.E.(C.E.), Ph.D.
Academics:18 Years

Industry: 0 Year
ce.gopi@adit.ac.in; gopi.bhatt@cvmu.edu.in; coordinator.cs@adit.ac.in

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Events & Activities
  • One week FDP on "Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services" during 25th November, 2019 to 29th November 2019 at BVM Engineering College Sponsored by AICTE and GTU

  • One week sttp on "Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Data Science and Analytics using NVIDIA Graphics card and GPU Cloud" during 3rd to 8th December,2018 at DEPSTAR, CHARUSAT, Sponsored by GUJCOST

  • One week national level sttp on "Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (IoT)" from 11th to 16th June 2018 at GCET, sponsored by Charutar Vidya Mandal and Supported by ISTE

  • One week national level sttp on data mining and soft computing tools and techniques from 18th to 23rd December 2017 at GCET

  • One week sttp on "Internet of Things: Applications and Research Perspectives" during 12-17 June,2017 at LDRP institute of technology and research

  • One week ISTE sponsored STTP on "Big data and machine learning" during 21-26 November, 2016 at GCET.

  • ISTE and GUJCOST sponsored sttp on research opportunities in information and network security organized by IT department BVM during 30th November 2015 to 4th December 2015

  • Two week ISTE Workshop on "Introduction to Design of Algorithm" during May 2530, 2015 conducted by IIT Kharagpur under the National Mission on Education Through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India

  • One week STTP on "Advances in Cloud Computing and Advanced Networking" during December 20-24, 2014 conducted at V V P Engineering College, Rajkot

  • Two week ISTE Workshop on "Computer Network" during May 28th to July 5th, 2014 conducted by IIT Bombay under the National Mission on Education Through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India)

  • One week STTP on "Real Time Linux Operating System, Architectural and Programming Issues" during May 25-30, 2009 conducted by Computer Science and Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University

  • One week STTP on "Enhancing Teaching Skills" from 10th to 14th September 2007 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, ADIT

  • AICE-ISTE sponsored one week STTP on "Advances in Neuro-Fuzzy Systems and their Applications" organized at ADIT from 19th to 23rd March 2007

  • One week certificate course in Communication Skills, from 10th to 18th January 2008, organized by H M Patel Career Development Centre, VallabhVidyanagar.

  • Two day workshop on "Research issues in Wireless Sensor Networks and Delay Tolerant Networks" during 2nd ? 3rd May, 2015 organized by Department of Computer Engineering Department, Dharamsinh Desai University, Nadiad.

  • One day workshop on "Image and Video Processing" at National Conference of Advance Computing ? 2009 held at G. H. Patel College of Engineering and Technology, Vallabh Vidyanagar on 11th December, 2009.

  • One day workshop on "Research and Publication" organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, ADIT on 24th April 2009

  • Three day workshop on "Advanced Networking Technology with Linux, Windows and Mikrotik" during 12th to 14th June 2008, organized by Department of Information Technology, GCET

  • GUJCOST Sponsored one day Symposium on "Recent Advances in IoT with Bigdata Analytics using Machine Learning Approach" organized by Computer Engineering Department in association with ISTE chapter, ADIT on 06-10-2018

  • One day faculty development program on industrial practices on software development organized by IT department in association with ISTE chapter, ADIT,25-03-2017

  • 22nd ISTE state annual faculty convention 2017 and national conference on "Engineering Innovation for social and Environmental Development" organised by ISTE Gujarat section and ADIT on 30 th December, 2017

  • Halla Bol Session 2 , An awareness generation drive for women safety security self-defence, cyber safety, drug free and healthy life on 10th August, 2016 at ADIT

  • One day symposium on women empowerment program organized by CWDC of MBICT in collaboration with ADIT, SMAID and IICP, sponsored by GUJCOST on 15th March, 2016.

  • One day regional seminar on "XXI Century Priorities in Technical and Higher Education" organized by Charutar Vidya Mandal in association with ISTE Gujarat Section and GTU on 3rd August 2011.

  • One day seminar on "Engineering Optimization ? A Tool for Research organized by ISTE Chapter, GCET, Vallabh Vidyanagar on 9th September 2008. "

  • One day symposium on "Excellence in Technical Education through Innovation" on 20th October, 2007 at Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya.

  • 11th Annual ISTE Gujarat Stat Convection on "Challenge of GATS before domesticpublic and private-technical education providers in India" organized by ISTE chapter, C. U. Shah College of Engineering and Technology, Wadhwan City on 25th November, 2006.

  • One day seminar on "AI and Soft Computing" at A. D. Patel Institute of Technology, New Vallabh Vidyanagar on 24th September 2006.

  • One day workshop organized on "TSR Programming" on 9th September 2008 at ADIT jointly organized by Department of Computer Engineering, ADIT and IEEE Student Branch, ADIT

  • One day workshop organized on Python on 29th December 2011 at ADIT with the help from FOSSEE and Spoken Tutorial Projects, IIT Bombay, Funded by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD and Government of India.

  • One Day seminar organized on "Remote Sensing, GIS and its Applications" on September 23rd , 2011 at Department of Computer Engineering, ADIT

  • One Day Webinar on "Cloud, Big Data and Mobile Application" on 18th January 2014 at Department of Computer Engineering, ADIT

  • One Day Workshop on "Windows App Development" on 29th January 2014 at Department of Computer Engineering, ADIT

  • Two Day Workshop on "Android App Development" held under IEEE Student Chapter on 2nd and 3rd August 2014 at Department of Computer Engineering, ADIT

  • Organised three day State level workshop on "Robotic Arm Development " at ADIT from 1719 September, 2014

  • Seminar on "Design Engineering 2A" on 14th September, 2015 at Department of Computer Engineering, ADIT

  • One day workshop on "Microsoft azure boot camp" under the Global Azure Summit organized by Microsoft Student Partner, ADIT student branch on 16/04/2016 at Department of Computer Engineering, ADIT

  • Organised womens day celebration on 8th march 16 and 17 at ADIT

  • Coordinated event "Code Chaos" of state level tech fest SPECTRUM?17 held at ADIT on 2-3 march, 2017

  • Organized one day workshop on "VFX Programming and Special effects in Film Making" on 19th March, 2019 at ADIT

  • Organized one day workshop on "Deep Learning: A Head Start" on 31st August, 2019 at ADIT

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