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Chairman's Message

Education is said to be the transmission of knowledge, culture and civilization.

Principal's Message

It gives me immense pleasure to greet and welcome you all on behalf of the entire ADIT family.

Paresh R. Modha
Assistant Professor
B.E.(Electrical), M. E. (Electrical Power Systems) , Ph.D. (Persuing)
Academics:12 Years

Industry: 0 Year
ee.paresh@adit.ac.in; paresh.modha@cvmu.edu.in

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Events & Activities
  • "Recent Trends in Energy Conservation & Management" in association with ENLEC Solutions Ahmedabad and sponsored by Institutions of Engineers (India) on 23-1-2018

  • One Day workshop in Virtual Labs for Power System Analysis Analysis, at IIT Bombay.

  • 2-Week ISTE Workshop on Solar Photovoltaic under NME through ICT(MHRD) and MNRE on 12-22 December 2011 at PDPU, Gandhinagar .

  • "Energy Conservation Awareness"-One day workshop organized by GEDA, at ADIT, new Vidyanagar

  • "Recent Advances in Power System"- one day workshop organized by IEEE tudent branch at ADIT, new vidyanagar.

  • "Energt Efficiency: An overview" - two days short term course organized at IIT gandhinagar.

  • "Oriantation on Electrical Transient and Analysis Program (ETAP) Software" - One day workshop organized by BVM, vallabh vidyanagar.

  • "Recent Trends in Power Systems" - 2 days Workshop organized by SVIT.

  • Paresh Modha and Hardik Rupareliya, "Distributed generation: Definition, Benefits, Major Issues & Impact on Voltage Profile", in proceedings of NCEVT 2010, December 2010, pp. 13-17.

  • P.H. Shah, Dr. B. R. Bhalja, and P. R. Modha, "Islanding Dataction Techniques for Distribution Generation System: A Review", in proceeding of ICAET 2011. May 2011, ISBN NO.: 978-1-4507-6433-9

  • Article on "Distributed Generation" published in ELECTRICAL INDIA Magazine, Vol. No. 52, issue No. 2 (Feb. 2011), pp. 38-44;

  • P. R. Modha & S. K. Rathod, "Distributed Generation & its Impact on Distribution system with Simulation", PSRES 2011, March 2011, pp. 20;

  • Paresh Modha, "A Survey and Comparison of Islanding Detection Methods for Distributed Generation Systems", in Proceedings of NCRTET 2011,May 2011 BVM Engineering College, Vallabh Vidyanagar, India. ISBN No. : 978-81-921358-2-3

Membership Details
  • Associate Member since 2016 - The Institution of Engineers (India)

  • Member since 2016 - Society of Power Engineers (India)

  • Institutional Member since 2016 - Indian Soiety of Technical Education

  • Alumni member since 2009 - ADIT Alumni Association

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